BG01 Remote Alarm Panels

Our BG01 remote alarm panels are designed to meet the standards required by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) within BG01 (formerly PM5) for the safe remote operation of a boiler plant.The HSE, through BG01, provides guidance indicating that boiler plant that is not continuously monitored must-have remote alarm indication via panels situated where a trained and competent person can hear and take appropriate action.


A general remote alarm panel should consist of an audible and visible alarm indicator, a mute button and a stop button to ensure the safe and immediate shutdown of the boiler. This efficiently stops the boiler from operating until a suitably trained person can attend to the boiler house and diagnose the fault.

In addition to this, we can offer a touch screen variant. This provides all of the hardwired features of a standard panel with the added benefit of a 17” solid-state industrial PC, preloaded with monitoring software for up to 8 boilers. This software provides detailed information regarding the current state of the boiler plant such as:

  • Boiler pressure/temperature
  • Firing-rate
  • Current status (off, modulating, locked out, etc.)
  • Water level
  • Fault status and full descriptions (including automatic e-mail/SMS notifications)

The benefits of BG01 Remote Alarm Panels


Fully tested and installed by experienced Dunphy engineers


Increases regulatory compliance


Can be used with multiple boilers


Reduces health and safety risk on-site

For more information on our range of BG01 remote alarm panels contact

Why choose Dunphy?

We’re the leading provider of combustion equipment in the UK and have over 50 years’ worth of experience in the industry. This means there’s no better choice for your boiler house repairs. Get in touch with a member of our expert team to learn more.


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