Renewable Fuel Burners

We design and manufacture renewable fuel burners in the range 60kW to 80MW for renewable fuels such as:

  • Biogas, syngas, landfill gas, biomethane
  • Recoverable waste and solvents
  • Rapeseed, tall oil, tallow oils and biodiesel

These renewable fuel burners can be of single, dual or multi-fuel specifications and this can easily be changed by flicking a switch on our digital combustion management system.

Our renewable fuel burners can also be used in centralised or distributed heat and steam generation, CHP, community district heating and waste-to-energy applications.

Why choose Dunphy?

When you opt for one of our bespoke renewable fuel burners, you’ll be able to take advantage of almost 60 years’ worth of experience in the industry. Our expert team will provide bespoke burner solutions compatible with your biofuel of choice. These are designed and manufactured by our in-house engineers, providing us with excellent quality control from start to finish.

Contact our experienced team today for more information on renewable fuel burners and other renewable energy products we offer.


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